For a limited time only, you can get Blue Diamond Almond Milk for as low as $1.22. The shelf-stable 32-ounce Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Milk is originally $1.79.

As a deal idea, get two almond milks and use one $1/2 Blue Diamond Almond Milk printable coupon. Save an extra 5% with your REDcard and pay $2.45 for both, making it $1.22 each. This deal is valid until the coupon expires.

Don’t have a REDcard?

Click here to sign up for a free Target REDcard. Choose from the Credit or Debit Card. Both cards are equipped with a secure chip reader. The Debit Card links directly to your bank’s checking account. Save 5% on everything when you use either card!

How the deal works:

Buy two Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Milk 32oz $1.79 each ($3.58 total)
-use $1/2 Blue Diamond Almond Milk
-use REDcard 5% off (-$0.13)
Makes it $1.22 each

If you prefer to get the chilled Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Milk, you can do this deal:

Buy two Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Milk 64oz, $2.79 each ($5.58 total)
-use $1/2 Blue Diamond Almond Milk
-use REDcard 5% off (-$0.23)
Makes it $2.17 each