Score Campbell’s Skillet, Slow Cooker, or Oven Sauces for as low as $0.50 each. There are tons of flavors to choose from. Inventory will vary by store.

At Target, the sauces are originally $2.12 each. Buy one and use the $1/1 Campbell’s Skillet, Slow Cooker, or Oven Sauce printable coupon. Pay with your REDcard to get an extra 5% off, making it $1.06. This deal expires when the coupon expires.

If you don’t have a REDcard, click here to sign up for a free one. It links to your checking account and works just like a debit card!

Here’s how the deal works:

Buy Campbell’s Skillet, Slow Cooker, or Oven Sauce $2.12
-use $1/1 Campbell’s Skillet, Slow Cooker, or Oven Sauce
-use REDcard 5% off (-$0.06)
on any ONE (1) Campbell's Skillet, Slow Cooker, or Oven Sauce

Now thru 7/1, get the sauce packs for less at Walgreens. The sauces are on sale for $1.50 each when you buy two or more. Buy two and use two coupons, making them $0.50 each!

Buy two Campbell’s Skillet, Slow Cooker, or Oven Sauces 2/$3
-use two $1/1 Campbell’s Skillet, Slow Cooker, or Oven Sauce
Makes it $0.50 each