
Act Fast! Score a $10 Sephora Gift Card for only $4.50! If you’re new to Raise, click here to signup and use the signup code SDEALS to get a FREE $5 credit. You can use this on any gift card including Sephora. We found several $10 gift cards on sale for $9.50. Pay as low $4.50 with the $5 savings!

  1. Click here to sign up for
  2. Enter the referral promo code SDEALS
  3. Enter your mobile number. You’ll receive a text code to verify your account.
    Enter the code to verify your account.
  4. Search for any participating store of your choice such as “Sephora”
    Screen Shot 2016-04-09 at 9.12.52 AM
  5. Click on Buy Now
  6. Instantly save $5 with the SDEALS referral code (-$5)
    Pay as low as $4.50 for a $25 Gift Card
  7. Head over to to use your Gift Card right away!

Shipping starts at $5.95 or is free with a $50 purchase