
Get a chance to INSTANTLY win a FREE $20 gift card to Amazon or bookstores or be entered to win the Grand Prize: a FREE vacation of your choice for two, hosted by AARP. Flight tickets, hotel, and several meals are also included! The best part about this is that there is no purchase required. We hope you’re the lucky winner! If you win, be sure to let us know in the comments below!


  • 21+ years of age
  • United States resident (winthin 50 states, including District of Columbia)
  • Must login or signup for a free account to enter

How to enter:

  1. Click here to go to AARP’s sweepstakes page
  2. Then click the box next to “I HAVE READ AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE OFFICIAL RULES” after reading the rules
  3. Click “GET STARTED” to login or register for a free account
  4. Fill out form and submit
    Receive FREE entry to win all-inclusive Vacation (Grand Prize)!
    Receive FREE entry to win $20 Gift Card Instant Prize

Earn bonus FREE entries by taking polls, answering short questions, and more. Login everyday for new questions and polls to earn more entries. Sweepstakes ends on Thursday 6/30. Winner will be contacted by mail, email, or phone.